Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Upcoming World Events and How to Rise Above Them

In my last newsletter I had mentioned many unusual events occurring in the world.    In the past months, there have been a much more political & financial unrest in the world.  European nations have had debt default issues increase and here at home the US credit rating was downgraded.  In nature there have been unusual earthquakes in areas that are not known for earthquakes and hurricanes.   The pattern we are in will heighten and get stronger as we go thru this cycle.  In the human realm many of us will feel the uncertainty and force associated with the changing universal patterns as stress and disillusionment. 
I am not saying that what we are in is good nor bad it just is.  Remember from our standpoint we cannot deem anything as good or bad because we do not know the final outcome of our actions.
Here are a couple of perfect examples showing the flip side of what we are calling calamity in our economy and personal situations.  Housing prices in certain parts of California, Canada have shot up 125%.  In fact there are more bidders than there are houses.  Many houses are sold well above their asking price. The right investments have done outstanding.  In times of recession and depression there are more millionaires made than any other time.  In nature all we need to do is look outside. Have you noticed this year that everything is so lush and green.  Much more than years past.  As you can see there is always a flip side to everything in this realm.  Where you choose to be is the question. 
The timing of the universes has allowed many individuals to expand their higher awareness.  Take a look at myself for example.  My abilities have increased dramatically than when I first realized I had them.  Many have come to me to find out that they have spiritual gifts which I have helped them expand on. There are many more individuals out there that will find there gifts come to fruition   as the our world of awareness expands and transforms our logistical systems.  This is a time for great awakening and with it may come some discomfort as we rise to higher levels of being.  
How do we keep from getting sucked into what we call the negative?
Another way of putting it is How do we tap into higher self where abundance is always present no matter what our outer environment is throwing at us?
The best way is to stay in the present and notice what is happening to you and study it.   This is the same as “submitting your will to God” in religious terms.   The funny thing is that I hear individuals say that they have “submitted there will”  but then expect something to happen to or for them.  That is not really letting go.   I have clarified this many times in past newsletter so feel free to go back to them on my blog if you need to.
How can you tell if you are not in your higher state?
There are many names for this state.  In religion it is called the devil (Covered deeper in past newsletters) but lets call it the pain body. 
Any distressing emotional state where you don’t feel complete or are in discomfort. If you are feeling pain mentally or physically the pain body is in control.  When there is dysfunctional logic in use.
There are subtle ways that the pain body works as well to keep us enslaved to it.  When we are talking about the past or future.  When we talk about outcomes or results.  when we are setting goals.  
If we don't get rid of or control this pain body it will get rid of us. 
once you take charge of the pain body and start to remove its control we open up a space and our higher self comes in and starts to help us function.  You literally create a space for this to happen. 
and you create a space for new things to come in.

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